Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Your Invitation to the Pink Ribbon Morning Tea

Here is your official invitation to the NBCF Pink Ribbon Morning Tea.

You and a friend are invited to attend this year's Pink Ribbon Breakfast to be held at the Rotunda @ North Pine Country Park on Thursday 25th October 2007 commencing at 9.30am.

The cost of the morning tea will be $15.00 this includes all yummy food and refreshments provided by the Shabby Girls at Lilly Cottage. We will be having lucky door prizes, raffles and Pink Ribbon Merchandise will be for sale.

I would love you to come along and make this a success for the NBCF. Please RSVP by 15th October to Trish Kling on 0402 791 755 or courtruby@bigpond.com
Oh almost forgot we are hoping to see lots of pink on the day so dust of the hats and fascinators and come along.

I don't know if any of you shabby lovers were able to get along to Lilly Cottage's Spring Fling. I was lucky enough to go along and it was wonderful. I am very much looking forward to all the num num's at the morning tea - they are delicious cooks. Check out my link to Lilly Cottage Blog if you haven't already done so and have a look at the wonderful pictures.

Until next time
Kisses Trish x

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