Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Baby News!!!!

This is Baby McCarn. Christa and Stephen are expecting this beautiful baby mid November 2007. They have picked names and they are Darcy for a boy and Erina for a girl. Deanna (my darling sister in law) and I did the ring thing on Christa a couple of weeks ago and we have determined that she is having a boy. So DARCY JAMES McCarn it will be!!! And don't forget that method of determining the sex of the baby is only second to actually giving birth - so it's extremely accurate!!!!

Baby Connor: There is a baby brother on the way for the adorable Gabrielle (Gaby) now 2 3/4. SAMUEL DAVID is due early February 2008. Barb is keeping really well I think Reg is really excited about putting all his sports experience to the test. Isn't that fantastic!!!

1 comment:

Judy Scott said...

Hello lovely lady how fabulous to hear from you, I can remember that day like it was yesterday ~ its about a year ago now, I remember the amazing heat the colours and the jakaranda trees!!!! You did look really gorgeous that day in your beautiful bright colours. Im hoping to come over to see Stevie and Scarlett again for Christmas 2008 with my hubby Jim and Rachel and Louise my girls ~ theyre hoping to stay on for about 9 months till they go to University the following year back in Scotland. Very excited about that ~ they have to be 18 though so they can get a work visa to stay that long (thats why theyre waiting till then!! Well I'll no doubt 'see' you again here between now and then and then when I get over Ill have to pop over to Lilly Cottage only the very best shop in the universe!!!! Take care and thankyou for making contact, hugs Judy :)