Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Our Maggie - Dusty!

Simply had to share our beautiful Magpie - Dusty.

William named him - how do I know it's a him? Well throughout nesting season the mummy magpies get big - they have to look after the babies don't you know. So the daddies stay relatively the same size. Dusty is very unique to us. He has a gumby toe on his left foot. He comes to visit all times during the day and he sits in the same spot every time. If I don't notice he is there he will warble for his dinner. Sometimes I make him wait just so I can hear their beautiful sound. Over the past couple of months Dusty has let me get closer and closer. Yesterday I put food just inside the front door and he came in and got it. I'm hoping over the next couple of weeks he will let me pat him.

This is onother maggie coming to see what's so good.

Magpies are my very favourite bird - most people dislike and even hate them. I know that they are beautiful and clever. Magpies are known for swooping but as has been proved the last couple of weeks - they only swoop if they fear for their babies. There is a relatively "highly strung" maggie around the corner from us and he is very protective. Some boys on bikes have been taunting him and he is known to swoop bikes. However he doesn't swoop people walking - he knows that they will do him and his family no harm.

I have two stories that I tell everyone and I seriously believe this to be true.

Magpies are very clever. Do you know that if a baby maggie falls from a nest and can't get back up, you can nail an icecream bucket to the same tree and put the baby in there and the mummies and daddies will still look after it as well as the babies in their nest.

If you are kind to a magpie and feed it, the magpie will tell all his friends and they will never swoop you.

Moral of the story - Be kind to magpies!

Kisses Trish xxx

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