Monday, 17 December 2007

Is it hot enough for you???

"No actually it's not hot enough, when is it going to reach 52???? ".

I know it can get hot but think of this. What does summer bring - here's a few on my list.

  • Christmas
  • BBQ's
  • Swimming
  • Beaches
  • Holidays
  • Storms
  • Longer days
  • Parties
  • Kids playing on the street until dark
  • Cricket

I look at this list and I can't think of anyone who doesn't like these things. So next time someone complains about the heat, you be thankful that we have all the above and more to look forward to.

The Kling's have also been elfed - have a look at this

Here are some pics Ian took in Fiji earlier this month. What beautiful countryside. He was working at a hydroelectric power station, in the most primitive of surroundings, but look at the area what paradise!

Kisses Trish xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.